Single Game Sports Betting

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Las Vegas-style betting on single-game sports would open the books to gamblers eager to put down cash on individual games rather than just Pro-Line-style betting, where consumers wager on. The American Gaming Association also anticipates that this year’s Super Bowl will “generate the largest single-event legal handle in American sports betting history,” its CEO said this week. Approximately 23.2 million Americans intend to bet a total of US$4.3 billion on this year’s game alone, according to the AGA’s research. OTTAWA — With Canada’s casinos ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has moved to legalize single-game sports betting — a policy long called for by the gaming industry.

TORONTO—Bill C-290, an Act to amend the Criminal Code, which will allow wagering on the outcome of a single sporting event, has certainly attracted a lot of attention recently. The bill was passed unanimously by the House of Commons at third reading after hearings before the House Justice Committee, and has passed first and second reading in the Senate, and earlier this month was passed by the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee after extensive hearings, and reported back to the Senate for third reading debate.

The federal minister of Justice has received letters from five provincial governments requesting the amendment, including British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. The provinces of Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick have also indicated support.

The Senate committee sought the views of experts from the regulatory, legal, law enforcement, academia, responsible and problem gambling fields, the International Olympic Committee, and from representatives of North American sports leagues.

Canada Single Game Sports Betting

The experts included a past chair of the International Association of Gaming Regulators, lawyers recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada as leading practitioners in gaming law, current and former senior officers from the Ontario Provincial Police, a professor of psychiatry from McGill University, and the chief executive officers of the Responsible Gambling Council and the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.

To a person, all the experts supported the legalization of single event sports betting and passage of Bill C-290—from the aspects of consumer protection, social policy, problem gambling treatment, crime prevention, law enforcement and the ability to detect attempts to fix the outcome of sports events.

Their testimony made the following points: Single-event sports betting in Canada is a huge business; estimated to be in excess of $10-billion annually (and as much as $40-billion) and conducted illegally through bookies by organized crime; and $4-billion through offshore internet sites that are not regulated by Canadian provincial regulators.

Betting on sports is widespread throughout all stratas of Canadian society, and viewed by those betting as either a victimless crime or no crime at all.

Experience shows that if a legal alternative is made available, the overwhelming majority of bettors will patronize it, and that it significantly diminishes illegal activity and consequent revenues to organized crime.

Legalizing gaming makes it easier to build in responsible gambling controls.

Single-event betting is legal in Great Britain, much of Europe, Australia, Nevada, and regulated online gaming sites.

Being able to see who is betting how much and on what greatly enhances the ability to detect attempts of match fixing.

Moving billions of dollars from the underground and offshore economies to the legal domestic economy will provide additional resources to support and sustain programs such as health care and education.

The IOC stated in its submission to the Senate Committee that, “The IOC has adopted a proactive approach by creating a Working Group on Irregular and Illegal Betting in Sport, comprised of representatives of the sports organizations, governments, betting operators, and international organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, The European Union, the Council of Europe and Interpol, in order to define a common approach and position on the matter.”

Among the working groups approved recommendations are: “…to establish an information exchange between existing national sports betting regulatory authorities…the creation of a common monitoring or information exchange system among the various sports betting operators; and the sharing of information with national regulators, international organizations (such as Interpol) and betting operators…and encourage states that have not yet done so to pass legislation that allows for irregular and illegal sports betting to be combated effectively.”

In contrast, the sports leagues insisted that legalizing sports betting would lead to attempts to fix the outcomes of games, which could be true if no sports betting was currently taking place—but we all know that isn’t the case.

They have a point in saying that criminal elements have in the past attempted and continue to attempt to fix the outcome of games. What they seemingly fail to either understand, or more likely, concede, is that bringing the betting above ground, as has been done in Great Britain, Europe, Australia, Nevada, and regulated-online gaming sites, brings to light unusual and questionable betting patterns, or even single bets, that can be and are investigated. This is exactly how the reported match-fixing over the last few years has been detected.

The professional leagues offered no alternatives or solutions and failed to admit the volume of wagering already occurring illegally on their games.

Doesn’t it make sense to offer a legal, regulated environment with proper consumer protection measures? The alternative is to continue to allow organized crime and offshore online operators take billions of dollars out of the Canadian economy.

Bill Rutsey is president & CEO, Canadian Gaming Association.

The Hill Times

Bill Rutsey
CEO, Canadian Gaming Association

131 Bloor St. W., Suite 503
Tor., ON M5S 1P7

phone – 416.304.6860
mobile – 416.809.6999

Single Game Sports Betting Meaning

  • There is already one form of sports betting allowed in Canada.
  • Kevin Waugh introduced Bill C218, which would legalize single-game sports wagering in Canada.
  • U.S. border states have impacted sports bettors in Canada.

TORONTO, Canada – A new sports betting bill in Canada was introduced at Canada’s House of Commons which would allow for the legalization of sports betting in the country. The fight for legalizing sports betting has been ongoing in Canada.

The way the bill was introduced, however, uses the United States as leverage to persuade them to legalize sports betting sooner rather than later.

Canadian Sports Betting

Sports betting in Canada is legal, however, it must be done in a specific way. In order for bettors to place bets in Canada, they can only bet on parlay bets of three games or more. Canadian bettors can either go in person or they can bet online. Online sportsbooks must hold government-issued licenses.

Offshore sites that operate in Canada offer better odds to the typical sports bettor but they do however have strict regulations and limit the bet size. The Canadian government often ignores the offshore sites in order to focus more on its in-state policies.

Safe Regulated Sports Betting Act

The Safe Regulated Sports Betting Act, known as Bill C-218, was introduced this week at the House of Commons. This bill would legalize single-game sports betting across the country.

Kevin Waugh, a member of the Canadian Conservative Party, introduced the bill by pointing out that single-game sports betting already exists in the country.

“Let me be clear that single-event sport wagering already exists in this country, and if members do not think so, they are behind the curtains—The Canadian single-event sport wagering industry is worth over $14 billion, but most of it, 95% of it, exists underground on the black market or through offshore websites,” said Waugh.


Waugh continued to point out how these offshore and black market sportsbooks are in no way helping their economy.

“These are unregulated sport-wagering sites—none of that activity is subject to government regulations or taxes; none of it is creating jobs in this country or economic opportunities; and none of it is contributing to consumer protection, education, harm reduction initiatives or support services, which are badly needed in this country—by passing this bill we can put a stop to the billions of dollars going to organized crime and put that money back into our communities,” Waugh continued.

The legislation would amend the Criminal Code to repeal the Federal ban on single-sport betting. Waugh even mentions how the United States has allowed for sports betting.

“The United States has allowed it. Sports leagues like the NHL and NBA are in favor of sports betting being regulated. It is time this country follows forward,” Waugh said.

The Canadian Gaming Association has been fully supportive of Waugh during the introduction of C-218 in order to legalize sports betting.

“Amending the Criminal Code to legalize single-event sports wagering will provide provinces with the necessary tools to deliver a safe and legal option to Canadians,” said Paul Burns, Chief Executive of the CGA.

United States Impact

Of the 12 states on the border between the United States and Canada, five of them have fully legalized sports betting. Montana is the westernmost state of the five. Michigan is the next state over that has legalized sports betting.

In the northeastern part of the United States, there are three states on the border that allow for sports betting: New York in 2019, Pennsylvania in 2018 and New Hampshire in 2019.

Game Sports Magazine

Michigan recently became the fifth state on the border to have it legalized. This is forcing Canada to open its eyes. It is making it easier for Canadians to cross the border and place bets. Mobile and online betting strengthen that issue as Canadian citizens would not even have to go to a retail sportsbook as they would be able to do it right from their phones.

Other than the states that have already legalized sports betting, there are four more potential states on the border that could legalize sports betting.

The Game Sports Apparel

  • Washington State
  • Ohio
  • Vermont
  • Maine

Canada would benefit from this as well. It would allow for those American’s in border states that sports betting is not legal, to travel north and place their bets.

Single Game Sports Betting In Delaware

News tags: Bill C-218 Canada Kevin Waugh Michigan Montana New Hampshire New York Paul Burns Pennsylvania Safe Regulated Sports Betting Act

Game Kids

Samuel has been writing professionally for 4 years. He comes from a sports writing background where he enjoys writing mostly about basketball and football both professional and collegiate. He is a recent graduate of Florida State University where he majored in Editing, Writing and Media with a minor in Communications. During his free time, you can find him watching or playing sports as well as playing videogames and listening to music.